Girl From Winter Jargon /ɡəːl/ /frɒm,frəm/ /ˈwɪntə/ /ˈdʒɑːɡ(ə)n/
1. a name, moniker or title
2. a person who practises or performs music
3. an artist from County Durham, UK
4. a situation, place or mental state
5. an obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something

Girl From Winter Jargon @ Disgraceland, Middlesbrough, UK
- Girl From Winter Jargon is the moniker belonging to an alternative songwriter [Rachel Elizabeth] from County Durham, North East of England, UK.
- “Winter Jargon” was previously the name of a three- piece band fronted by Rachel.
- You can learn more Girl From Winter Jargon on the website’s biography, which is here:
- Girl From Winter Jargon once spoke about the meaning of the name in an interview with “I Said Yeah!” (Music Blog)
Below is an excerpt from said interview/conversation:
• I’m intrigued by your name, which is quite unusual to say the least…
“Winter Jargon was formerly a band, but it’s also a made-up phrase that I used to write everywhere (and say to myself) from being young. The complete sentence was always, “O’ for the winter jargon.” Most people assume I’m Girl From Winter Jargon. They’re not wrong, but I don’t quite think of it that way, because I’ve always thought of Winter Jargon as a place. (Or possibly a state of mind?? I’m not sure). It was born out of childhood imagination. Am I making any sense here??? “
• Ha, I think so. Now that you mention the idea of a place, it kinda does. I think it’s a great name anyway; at first I was drawn by how jarring it is, and how I just couldn’t process it… and even now, having a clearer idea of where it’s coming from, it still feels pretty odd. Also, I can’t help but wonder what kind of place Winter Jargon is?

I Said Yeah! – Music Blog: Single & Album Reviews
“I always imagined it as a wide open wintry landscape; the kind of space where there’s very little concealing your view, so it’s virtually impossible to gauge distance, because distance is infinite. White. Cold. Sensory. Peaceful. Solitary. Powerful. But there’s also hidden forests and sheltered areas to live in, with bonfires and cosy, whimsical elements. The laws of physics can be bended and reshaped there. (If you want them to be!)
I was drawn to the word ‘Jargon,’ because I liked the idea of hidden meaning within language. It’s that whole idea that there are certain things which can be concealed from others that are beyond their comprehension and understanding. I like to imagine that a younger version of myself actually found that place and now inhabits it, hence, “Girl From Winter Jargon!””
The full interview and review of Song For The Waves / Matilda can be found here: