“If Song for the Waves represents an oncoming twilight, then its companion piece, Matilda, is very much the daylight that balances it out; specifically that golden hour where the light falls just right and everything looks glorious. A more laid-back affair with a much slower tempo, it’s a gorgeous song (I don’t really want to use the term ‘ballad’) that calls to mind, among other things, The Bends-era Radiohead. Its gentle atmospherics and shimmering arpeggios gradually build in the manner of something like Fake Plastic Trees, with the dialled-back arrangement carving out acres of space for the vocal to take centre stage. Again it’s an interesting lyric – based on the Roald Dahl story – and the delivery is exquisite, in equal parts vulnerable and searingly powerful. As with Song for the Waves, the arrangement and production are such that I’d advise you plug in a semi-decent pair of headphones, close your eyes, and let these songs carry you off somewhere…”
I Said Yeah! Music Blog

Matilda – Girl From Winter Jargon
North East England Indie Artist and Multi-instrumentalist, “Girl From Winter Jargon,” has written a Permanent Wave ballad, loosely based on the pupil-teacher dynamic from Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda.’ Receiving tips and praise from BBC North East & BBC 6 Music – ‘Matilda’ is a ballad of fierce loyalty and sisterhood solidarity, exploring the intense energy and connection between two characters rising beyond limitations to protect one another. Put simply, Matilda is a song about having someone’s back.
Matilda – Girl From Winter Jargon – Lyrics
She came to my house to talk to my parents
I’d never known love before she fought my corner
She said that I was a magnificent child
I knew that she needed me…
I will move walls and overturn tables
I don’t even need you to believe I am able
The teacher will come when the pupil is dilated
She didn’t believe me…
She didn’t believe that I will claim your inheritance back
Make the badness disappear
She didn’t believe me…
I watch with bated breath as events unravel
I knew that she needed me…
I’ll harness the pain
I’ll channel the hatred
I’ll empty all of myself to be liberated
If they dare touch a hair on your head
I’ll rain down fire and sulphur
The mentor will arrive when the student is ready
The teacher will come when the pupil is dilated
She Fought My Corner – Spotify Playlist
Songs of friendship, love, loyalty, sisterhood and solidarity; a playlist for Matilda: Permanent Wave, Indie Rock, Pop Rock, North East England Indie, Alternative Rock, Modern Rock, Art Rock, Art Pop, Chamber Pop – Radiohead, Anna Calvi, Screaming Females, The Cranberries, Pixies, Garbage, Manic Street Preachers, Breeders, Tori Amos, Suzanne Vega